Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Camp Update April 2009

Greetings from Deuba!

The last two months at camp have been a little quite, due to the impact of many things happening here in Fiji and Abroad. The year did not start out well for us with quite a few cancelled bookings due to the flooding, which in turn, led to quite a decrease in income.

But as always, the Lord is ever faithful, and we have seen his amazing provision through the new B Block, which now has the second story block work finished. It is in the process of being prepared to put on the roof etc. We have a team in From Waihi NZ now, helping install the doors on the lower level and also starting the painting.

We want to thank Raiwai Gospel for sending out a group of men to help with the filling of the blocks. Also Vinaka vakalevu to Valelevu Gospel who sent out a team on Easter Saturday! It is such an encouragement to our team on site to see the Gospel churches getting involved and excited about this project!

From the 1st of March till the 13th April, we hosted 5 Gospel Groups.. Raiwai Gospel, Valelevu Gospel, Samabula Gospel, Gospel High School Prefects, Gospel Primary Girls camp.

We head into May with more occupancy than the first quarter of the year. We would value your prayers for the campsite and its staff.

'New B Block'

All has been going according to plan, but at this stage, due to lack of Finances we are unable to keep the momentum going. We are seeking options at this stage as we do have others willing to come and help.
We will, this week, receive a shipment of windows and other small items for the building that have been donated from a man in New Zealand. We were able to get the duties wavered on some of the container, so that has been a real provision too.

We were hoping to have the building completed by July, but this will now take a little longer. At this stage the camp itself has spent over $80,000 on the building. These funds have ALL been provided through the camp funds!! We continue to wait on the Lord for HIS provision, and also guidance to know what the next best step is.

Managers Leaving

As you all know we are planning on returning to Australia at the end of this year. Altogether we have served at the Christian Camp since 1997, and we are overwhelmed by all the Lord has achieved. We are merely his hands... He has given the ability as well as the strength. There have been so many 'Moses' moments for us, when HE provides the skill, when we are totally unskilled!!

We are in the process of seeking another couple to work alongside us at camp for the year, and then to take on the job after we return to Australia.

We are advertising a 20% discount special on our Motels and KK to the local churches for the month of May. This is only a weekday special is does not apply to the Gospel churches as they already get the 20% on normal bookings. We are doing this to generate some funds to continue with B BLock. We need to fill our motels and Kk's a bit more through the month of May. June , July and August are fairly booked, but May is a quiet month. This does not include the campsite, only the KK and Motels.

Kids Klub

Our kids Klub continues to go well, averaging around 50 to 60 kids a week from Lepanoni. We enjoy a great hour with the kids aged from 3 through to 13. We have stories, games,Memory verses, quizzes and lots more fun together. Last year we saw around 80% of these kids make commitments to follow Jesus!
We trust that as we follow them up this year, that many will continue on for the Lord.


This year, we have three new staff members...

Olivia.... joins us from Valelevu Assembly. Olly has taken on the task of helping Jo-Anne out in the office, with the hope that once the Richards leave, she will have full knowledge of the office and booking procedures etc.

Esala... is a local young man, who helped Paul on B block around Christmas time. HE is only a new Christian and eager to learn more and serve God. He has only been on the main Island a year. Esala is a hard worker and has great people skills. Paul saw these traits, and was keen to continue to keep Esala on at camp in a full time Capacity. His main job is to be Paul's offsider helping out in practical ways around camp.

Felicity... joins our team this year, fully commended from her Home fellowship.. Village Avenue Community church in Brisbane. Felicity will be with us just for a year. Her main role is to work alongside Jo-Anne in Kids Klub planning and prep, spending time with Olly, Iliesa and Siga training them in the planning and preparation side of this Ministry.

So, at present the camp has three overseas full time workers that are fully supported financially from Australia, 5 paid local staff , and 5 full time workers that are paid a weekly sum as well as living on site here at the Centre.

We trust this information will help you be better equipped to pray for this Ministry and all of its needs. Many people have come and gone through our gates... our one hope would be that each of them leave, new people, refreshed, invigorated and revived for Christ and His work.

We serve HIM because we love HIM.

1 comment:

  1. hey, good to hear what you guys up to, the building is looking good. regards to you all and praying for the future of the camp and all you are doing
